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LLB (Part-II)
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Answer any four out of the following:
i) Who was the 2nd Governor General of Pakistan?
ii) How may time martial law has been proclaimed in the History of Pakistan?
iii) Which was the longest political party of Pakistan at the time of Independence?
iv) What type of constitution was given by President Ayub Khan in 1962?
v) What are important powers and responsibilities of Chief Election Commissioner?
vi) What are the powers and functions of a Prime Minister?
Q # 2: Point out the main points of distinction b/w the constitution of 1956 and constitution of 1962?
Q # 3: Discuss the laws laid down in the leading case in Miss Asma Jillani Vs Govt of the Punjab and others as registered in PLD 1972 S.C 139?
Q # 4: Describe the constitution of Supreme Court and qualifications necessary for its Judge?
Q # 5: What fundamental rights are included in the constitution of Pakistan 1973 for citizen?
Q # 6: Discuss How Governor is appointed, what powers he enjoys under the constitution?
Q # 7: Describe constitution of provincial Assemblies and their main features?
Q # 8: Missing.
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Answer any four out of the following:
i) Who was the first elected president of the constitutional Assembly in 1947?
ii) What is total strength of members of the Senate?
iii) Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?
iv) When first constitution of Pakistan was passed?
v) When for the first Martial Law as proclaimed in Pakistan?
vi) What are the powers and functions of a Chief Minister?
Q # 2: What form of Govt. was established under constitution of 1956 and why did it fail?
Q # 3: Discuss the law laid down in Mrs. Nusrat Bhutto Vs Federation of Pakistan decided by the Supreme Court Reported PLD 1977 S.C 657?
Q # 4: How are fundamental rights protected in the constitution of Pakistan 1973.Can those rights be suspended?
Q # 5: Explain the powers and functions of a Prime Minister?
Q # 6: Describe the composition and functions of Supreme judicial Council?
Q # 7: Comments on the main features of constitution of Pakistan 1973?
Q # 8: Describe the method of Amendment of constitution of Pakistan?
LLB (Part-II)
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on following:
i) Indian Independence Act 1947?
ii) Governor General
iii) Preventive detention
iv) Speaker of National Assembly
Q # 2: What are salient feature of the constitution of Pakistan 1956?
Q # 3: Discuss the law laid down in the leading case of Miss Asma Jillani Vs Govt of Punjab & others as reported in PLD 1972 S.C 139.
Q # 4: Discuss the salient feature of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973?
Q # 5: What fundamental rights are included in the constitution of Pakistan 1973 for citizen?
Q # 6: What are the qualifications for election to parliament of Pakistan as its member?
Q # 7: Discuss “Attorney General of Pakistan”?
Q # 8: Describe relation b/w federation and provinces?
Paper :I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on following:
i) Objective Resolution
ii) Fundamental Rights
iii) Doctrine of necessity
iv) Chief Election Commissioner
Q # 2: Discuss the law laid down in the leading case of Miss Asma Jillani Vs Govt of the Punjab and others as reported in PLD 1972 SC.139?
Q # 3: How far the constitution of 1962 provides Presidential system of Government Discuss?
Q # 4: Discuss the composition of senate and its role as permanent Legislature House?
Q # 5: Write an exhaustive note on prime Minister under constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973?
Q # 6: What are the powers and jurisdiction of Supreme Court of Pakistan?
Q # 7: Discuss the method of amendment of constitution of Pakistan 1973?
Q # 8: Write note on Islamic Ideological Council?
LLB (Part-II)
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on following
i) Parliamentary form of Government
ii) Federalism
iii) Chairman of Senate
iv) Supreme Judicial council
v) Governor.
Q # 2: Discuss the salient features of the 2nd constitution 1962 of Pakistan?
Q # 3: What were the facts in leading case of Mrs Nusrat Bhutto Vs Chief of Army staff etc (PLD 1977 Sc 657) and discuss also “Doctrine of necessity”?
Q # 4: Write a comprehensive note on salient features of Pakistan constitution 1973?
Q # 5: What do you mean by Fundamental rights discuss freedom of speech and explain reasonable restrictions as a check on this freedom?
Q # 6: Write a note on the method of election of the president of Pakistan, his tenure, retirement and impeachment under the constitution 1973?
Q # 7: Explain the procedure of “Amendment” in constitution under present constitution?
Q # 8: Explain the position of the Prime Minister of Pakistan under constitution 1973?
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on following:
i) Objective Resolution
ii) Islamic ideological council
iii) Principles of Policy
iv) Council of common interests
v) Auditor General Pakistan
Q # 2: Write a comprehensive note on the salient features of the constitution 1956 of Pakistan
Q # 3: Discuss the law laid down in leading case of Miss Asma Jillani Vs Govt of Punjab and others as registered in PLD 1972 Sc 139
Q # 4: What do you meant by preamble discuss the principles embodied in the preamble of the constitution 1973?
Q # 5: Write a note on the composition of the parliament and its powers under the constitution 1973
Q # 6: Write a note on the constitution of Pakistan’s supreme court and explain its various jurisdictions under constitution 1973?
Q # 7: What safeguards are provided against preventive detention to the citizens of Pakistan under constitution 1973?
Q # 8: Write a comprehensive note on role of “National Finance Commission” under constitution of Pakistan 1973?
LLB (Part-II)
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short note on any five of following each of these is of 4 marks
i) Speaker of the National Assembly
ii) Objective Resolution
iii) Attorney General of Pakistan
iv) Principles of Policy
v) Acting president
vi) Advocate general of Pakistan
vii) Duty and Obligation of citizens
Q # 2: Critically analyses the Constitution 1956 of Pakistan?
Q # 3: Discuss the law laid down in the case of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Vs President of Pakistan and others (PLD 1993 S.C 473)
Q # 4: Write a detailed note on council of common Interest?
Q # 5: On what occasion and reasons the proclamation of emergency may be issued? Discuss?
Q # 6: “No person shall be deprived of life…save in accordance with law” Discuss this right to life, as a fundamental right provided under article-9 of the constitution 1973?
Q # 7: What are the safeguards of citizen regarding preventive Detention?
Q # 8: Describe briefly that how the Supreme Judicial council is constituted and what are its functions under the present Constitution?
LLB (Part-II)
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on any four of the following:
i) Money Bills
ii) Parliament of the Pakistan
iii) Article 199 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973
iv) Council of Common Interest
v)Chief Justice of Pakistan
vi) Objective Resolution
Part-I (Constitutional History of Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Q # 2: Compare the Constitution of 1956 with Constitution of 1962?
Q # 3: What are the facts in the leading case of Asma Jillani Vs. Govt. of Punjab, PLD 1972 S.C 139 and principles of law were laid down therein?
Part-II (The Constitution 1973 of Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Q # 4: Whether the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 can be termed as Islamic? Explain this regard the Islamic provisions in the Constitution of 1973.
Q # 5: What is the procedure of adopting the vote of No Confidence against the Prime Minister?
Q # 6: What is the procedure to amend any provision of Constitution of 1973?
Q # 7: Discuss the significance of the “Freedom of Movement” as a fundamental right provided in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Q # 8: What is the procedure of the election of the Speaker of the National Assembly?
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on any four of the following:
- Judicial Review
- Rule of Law
- Attorney General of Pakistan
- Chief Election Commission
- Preamble
- Principles of Policy
Part-I (Constitutional History of Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Q # 2: What are the facts in the leading case of Nusrat Bhutto Vs. Chief of Army Staff PLD 1977 SC 657. What principles of law were established therein?
Q # 3: What form of government was guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan 1956?
Part-II (The Constitution 1973 of Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Q # 4: Discuss the Supreme Judicial Council of Pakistan and its functions?
Q # 5: Discuss the “Freedom of Association” as provided in the Constitution 1973 as a fundamental right.
Q # 6: What are the qualifications of the President of Pakistan and how he can be removed?
Q # 7: National Assembly of Pakistan and the Senate has got different powers as law making authority. Comment.
Q # 8: Discuss the various kinds of Emergence and to whom this powers is vested by Constitution of 1973?
LLB (Part-II)
Paper: I (Constitutional Law-II)
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one from Part-I and three from Part-II. Q.No.1 is compulsory.
Q # 1: Write short notes on any five of the following.
i) Objective Resolution.
ii) Ombudsman.
iii) Advocate General.
iv) Chairman Senate.
v) Principles of Policy.
vi) Supreme Judicial Council.
vii) Suspension of Fundamental Rights.
(Constitutional History of Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
Q # 2: Discuss the salient features of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1956. What were the reasons of its failure?
Q # 3: What are the facts in the case of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, (PLD 1993 SC 473)?
(The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973)
Q # 4: Discuss right to equality as fundamental right as provided for in the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973.
Q # 5: What is constitutional law regarding the dissolution of national Assembly under the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973? Do you suggest any change particularly as to President’s powers in this regard?
Q # 6: Discuss the mechanism as to distribution of legislative powers between Federal Government and Provinces under the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973.
Q # 7: Discuss the Islamic character of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 with reference to the Islamic provisions of the Constitution?
Q # 8: Discuss the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Pakistan?
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