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Islamic Personal Law (Paper)
Note: Answer three questions from part-I and one question from part-II. Question No.1 is compulsory. All the questions carry equal marks.
Q # 1: Explain any four of the following:
1) Shia Schools (A03) 30) Sunni Schools (S03)
2) Ahl-al-Raij (A03) 31) Distant Kindred (A03-A04)
3) Specified Dower (A03) 32) Talaq (A06)
4) Zihaar (A03-A05) 33) Talaq a Badai (A05)
5) Talaq-e-Masnoona (A03) 34) Talaq-e-Ashan
6) Talaq-e-Hassan (S03) 35) Talaq-e-Slasah (A04)
7) Khayar I Balugh (A06) 36) Mubarat (A04)
8) Difference between “Khula” and “Mubarat” (S07) 37) Khula (S03-A04-S05)
9) Irregular Marriage (S03) 38) Muta marriage (A04-A05-A08)
10) Effect of apostasy on marriage (A07) 39) Void Marriage (A03-A04-A08)
11) Iddat (S03-A04-S04-A05-A07)
12) Maintenance /maintenance of wife (A03-A04-S04-A07)
13) Option of puberty (A03-A04-S05) 40) Parentage (A03-A05)
14) Shahadat Ala-al-Shahahdah (A03) 41) Sharers (S03-S04-S05)
15) Residuaries (S03-S04-A05) 42) Proper dower (S04-S05)
16) Deferred Dower (S03-S04-S05-A08)
17) Suit for dower and limitation (A07)
18) Will (S04) 43) Death illness (A06)
19) Musha (A03-A04-A06-A08) 44) Death Bed Gift (S03)
20) Conditional gift (A04) 45) Contingent gift (S04)
21) Gift in future (S04) 46) Waqf ala-al-aulad (S03)
22) Paternity (S03)
23) Essentials of acknowledgement of paternity (A07)
24) Legitimacy (S03) 47) Custody of child (S04)
25) Defacto guardian (S04-S05-S07) 48) Mutawalli (S04-S07)
26) Imprecation Lohan (A04) 49) Quran as source of law (A06)
27) Minor (A06)
28) Effect of Acknowledgement (S07)
29) Arbitration counsel (A08)
Q#1: A Muslim dies having behind father, mother, daughter, 2 son’s daughters. Distribute the estate of the deceased according to Hanafi law of inheritance. (A03)
Q#2: A Muslim dies leaving behind father, mother, two brothers, and one sister, distribute the estate of the deceased according to the Hanafi law of inheritance? (S03)
Q#3: A Muslim dies leaving behind one widow, one daughter and one brother distribute the estate of the deceased according to the Hanafi law of inheritance? (A04)
Q#4: A muslim dies leaving behind widow, mother, father’s father, distribute the estate of the deceased according to the Hanafi law of inheritance? (S04)
Q#5: A Muslim dies leaving behind husband, mother and father‘s father; distribute the estate of the deceased according to the Hanfi law of inheritance? (S05)
Q#6: A Muslim dies leaving behind mother, sister and father distribute the estate of the deceased according to the Hanfi law of Inheritance? (A05-A06)
Q#7: A Muslim dies leaving behind one widow, mother, father’s father and a sister; distribute the estate of deceased according the Hanfi law of inheritance? (S07)
Q#8: What is the difference b/w Shia and Sunni Law of inheritance? (A06-S07)
Q#9: A Sunni Muslim dies leaving behind father, father’s mother, mother’s mother two daughters and a son’s daughter, distribute his estate amongst the heirs. (A08)
Q#10: What do you mean by “Dissolution of Marriage”, write down the kinds of it in detail? (S07)
Q#11: Enumerate various grounds for the dissolution of marriage under the dissolution of Muslim marriage act 1939? (A04-S05)
Q#12: According to the dissolution of marriage Act 1939 under what circumstance a Muslim woman can get divorce discuss in detail. (A06-A08)
Q#13: Define marriage and what are the essentials of a valid marriage, what is the legal effect of void and invalid marriage? (S04)
Q#14: What are the essentials of a valid marriage? Describe in detail: Prohibition of marriage on the ground of fosterage? (A08)
Q#15: What are the different kinds of marriages distinguish b/w them? (A03-A05)
Q#16: What are the essential of a valid marriage? Differentiate b/w a valid, void and irregular’s marriage? (S03)
Q#17: Discuss the different modes of Talaq according to Muhammadan law? (A03-S05)
Q#18: What are the different modes of Talaq and when Talaq become irrevocable? (S04)
Q#19: According to Muhammadan law what duties lie on a husband for the maintenance of his wife discuss in detail? (A05)
Q#20: What is Doer? What are the kinds of Dower according to quantity and payment? (A06)
Q#21: What is “Dower”, enumerate the various kinds of dower? Who is responsible to pay dower? (S07)
Q#21: Define specified dower Distinguish between prompt and deferred dower? (S03-A04)
Q#22: Define Waqf can a Muslim create Waqf in favor of his children and descendants? (A03)
Q#23: What are essential of valid Waqf, who can appoint Mutawalli? (A04)
Q#24: Enumerate the qualification and powers of a Mutawali under the Islamic law? (S03-)
Q#25: What are the conditions of Waqf, describe the qualification of Mutawalli and his powers? (S05)
Q#26: What kind of properties can be made subject of Waqf, when can Mutuwali be removed. Is the office of Mutawalli is hereditary? (S04)
Q#27: What are the elements of Wakf? Distinguish between Islamic Wakf and English Trust. (A08)
Q#28: Define Will in what circumstances can a will be revoked? (S05-A06)
Q#29: How much of his/her estate a Muslim can dispose off by will? Does Quran lays down this limit of testamentary power? (A03)
Q#30: In whose favor a will can be executed and how a bequest can be revoked? (S07)
Q#31: What is the difference b/w Gift and will? Describe the necessary elements of each one? (S03-A04)
Q#32: Define gift. What are the essentials of a valid gift? Also explain the circumstances under which delivery of possession is not necessary to complete a valid gift? (A08)
Q#33: What is Gift whether a Gift can be revoked by the donor if so give reasons? (A05)
Q#34: Discuss the law relating to death bed gift (Gift Marz-ul-Maut)? (S04)
Q#35: What is option of puberty explain and how this right can be exercised? (A05)
Q#36: Explain Khulla, illa and Zehar? Also distinguish between Khulla and Mubraat? (A08)
Q#1: Upto what age of her minor children is a mother entitled to their custody of their person and when does she lose the right of custody? (A03-A04-S05)
Q#2: Under what circumstances a court may remove a guardian? (A03-A04-A05)
Q#3: Enumerate the grounds under which a guardian can be revoked? (A06)
Q#4: What matters shall a court consider in appointing a guardian discuss and in which cases the court is not authority to appoint the guardian of property of minor? (S07)
Q#5: Which court will deal with the appointment of guardian of the person and property of a minor? (A05)
Q#6: What are the obligations on the guardian of property of minor appointed by the court? Discuss. (S03)
Q#7: Who is the person competent to file an application for the appointment of a guardian? (S03-A04)
Q#8: Who are entitled to guardian ship of the person of a minor discuss in detail? (S04)
Q#9: Describe the Qualification for the appointment of a guardian of a minor? (S05)
Q#10: What are the rights, duties and liabilities of guardian under the Guardian and Ward Act? (A06)
Q#11: What are the duties and limitations of the powers of guardian of property appointed or declared by the court? (S07)
Q#12: Define Hazawat and distinguish b/w legal and natural guardian? (S04)
Q#13: a)What are the kinds of guardian under Guardian and Ward Act?
b)Under what circumstances court can appoint a public servant as guardian of minor’s property (A08)
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